Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl XLV: Commercials and Movie Trailers

Were you Black and Yellow (Pittsburgh Steelers) or Green and Yellow (Greenbay Packers) for Super Bowl XLV? Well whichever team you were cheering for, congratulations to the Greenbay Packers for winning Super Bowl XLV. The Lombardi trophy is finally going back home. Hopefully with this win, the radio's will kill Wiz Khalifa's "Black and Yellow." The football season is officially over (*sigh*, *sad face*), and so is that damn song lol.

Whether you felt the Super Bowl was boring (i.e. me lol) or exciting, the majority of American's watching the Super Bowl couldn't wait for the commercials. Personally, I don't think all the commercials were funny. There were a few that I really liked. If you noticed, most of the commercials were ads for cars and the 2011 Summer Blockbusters.

Below are a few of the movie trailers aired during the Super Bowl and a couple of the commercials that I liked the best. Maybe you liked the same one's I did, and maybe you didn't. Feel free to take a look and comment!

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