Monday, February 7, 2011

My Favorite Super Bowl Movie Trailers

These are my (JadexRaven) most anticipated movies for the 2011 Summer Blockbuster season.


I don't know much about Captain America, but I'm excited to see the Avenger's movie. So basically, this is a much see for that reason alone.


This movie looks too cute. Anna Hathaway is the voice of Jewel, Jessie Esienberg from "The Social Network," is the voice of the main character Blu, and of course George Lopez is the voice of Bobo the Tucan. I've always like animated movies and I've always wanted to go to Brazil lol. Its looks funny, and I love all the colors.


Again, Thor is part of the Avengers so this is a must see. Natalie Portman plays Jane Foster in this movie (this girl just doesn't stop!) and Chris Hemsworth who plays Thor is completely hot!


Who doesn't want to see sexy hot women, and even hotter cars driving around in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil? This is definitely a guys guy movie, but not according to my mother lol. She loves the cast and even more so, Dwayne 'The Rock" Johnson! Plus my sexual chocolate Tyrese is in the movie lol.


I've seen all of the previous Pirates of the Caribbeans and this is the final one. I love Johnny Depp. He plays Jack Sparrow perfectly. Penelope Cruz shot this movie while she was pregnant! In this final installment, they are searching for the Fountain of Youth.


I LOVE Transformers! The really enjoyed the first two, and this one if going to be even better. I'm not sure how "hot" this movie will be without Megen Fox. She was replaced with Rosie Huntington-Whiteley who plays Carly. Plus I love my Tyrese!! Delicioous!

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