Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Decision on new Spider-Man very soon

I'm not too sure how this new Spider-Man will be. Obviously Sony/Columbia Pictures have faith in it. They’ve finally drawn up a list of potential Spideys according to the Deadline.

1. Logan Lerman star of Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief
2. Aaron Johnson Star of Kick Ass
3. Anton Yelchin
4. Andrew Garfield
5. Jamie Bell
6. Alden Ehrenreich

Whoever they choose to become the new Spider Man has some big shoes to fill. the Director of 500 Days of Summer has been hired to bring this re-webbing to cinemas by summer 2012 and in 3D. The script has been typed up by Jamie Vanderbilt with shooting set to commence later in the year.

So who’ll play the webbed wonder? It’ll be very interesting to say the least. It seems like Jamie Bell is the front runner but my bet is on Logan Lerman...

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